这两个占用时长对于不同基站是不一样的。 对于Melco500mW: 射频时隙占用时长为“CS starts counting the time from the point CS transmits T-channel idol burst to PS (except T-channel switching), and stops counting the time by the point of retry-out of TR302C (radio channel disconnection complete) or timeout of TR103C.” ISDN链路占用时长为“CS starts counting the time from the point CS receives “CONN” from NIU in case of call originated from PS or “CONN ACK” from NIU in case of call originated to PS, and stops counting the time by the point CS received first “DISC” message from NIU or PS. And CS also stops counting the time by timeout of TR103C. ” 对于Sanyo500mW: 射频时隙占用时长为: 从“sync burst”开始计时,到CS收到PS发的“radio channel disconnect complete”结束 ISDN链路占用时长为: 主叫时,从CS向CSC发“setup”开始计时,至CS向CSC发“release complete”结束 被叫时,从CS向CSC发“call proceeding”开始计时,至CS收到CSC的“release complete”结束 |